Join us for the 5th Annual Miles for Mary

June 1 thru July 30

Walk, run, bike, kayak or swim as many miles as you can during this challenge.  Challenge yourself.  Challenge your friends.  
Challenge your co-workers.  How many miles can you accomplish to reach your personal goal?

We would love to see you as you achieve your goals.

Post your pics using #MilesforMaryGosek.

Peaceful Remedies is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by Mary Gosek and is celebrating its 9th year anniversary.
Participation is free but please consider making a donation.


Mary’s birthday and Mary E Gosek Day are celebrated July 30 in the City of Oswego, NY.  


Need More Info or Help RegisteringVisit us at our office.
May 30 - 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

June 1 - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

McCrobie Building, 41 Lake Street, Oswego


This summer help us log over 8,158 miles.
Wherever you live you can be a part of this fitness challenge... every mile counts.

3 Ways To Share Your Miles With Us

1. Email Judi Phillips each Friday at:

2.Sign up and use our Map My Walk Challenge, and we will automatically see your miles (like last year).

3. Join the Miles for Mary private Facebook group and share your miles every Friday by adding to the comments when prompted. Search ‘Miles for Mary Movement Challenge’ or click this link:

Map My App

Here is how you join our challenge on an IOS.
Once in the app click the three dots on the bottom right of the screen.
Click on friends and the “find” button in the top right.
Search for Peaceful Remedies.
Ask Peaceful Remedies to be your friend.
Peaceful Remedies will accept your friend request as soon as possible and invite you to the Challenge.  

Once you are accepted as a Peaceful Remedies friend go to the bottom of the screen and click on the trophy.
Scroll down and click on Friend Challenges
Scroll down to find the Miles for Mary Challenge. It is a red box.
Click on it and then select Join Challenge.

At some point you will be requested to verify your account. You can go to your email to verify.

Make sure to hit start workout before you move and end workout when you are finished.

If you are logging your miles after your workout click on the three dots at the bottom right and select log workout. You can add your miles right there. Note: the decimal point is below the #7. It is hard to see.


Here is how you join our challenge on an Android.
While in the app tap the Menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top left of the Start Workout screen, then select "Friends."
Search for Peaceful Remedies.
Ask Peaceful Remedies to be your friend.
Peaceful Remedies will accept your friend request as soon as possible and invite you to the Challenge.  

Once you are accepted as a Peaceful Remedies friend go to the bottom of the screen and click on the trophy.
Scroll down to the very bottom and click on Friend Challenges
Scroll down to find the Miles for Mary Challenge. It is a red box.
Click on it and then select Join Challenge.

At some point you will be requested to verify your account. You can go to your email to verify.

Make sure to hit start workout before you move and end workout when you are finished.
Please be patient as there may be slight delays in between the steps.

If you are logging your miles after your workout click on the three horizontal lines at the top right and select log workout. You can add your miles right there. Note: the decimal point is below the #7. It is hard to see.  

Let's get Moving and help us reach our 8,158 miles!  


T-Shirts are available for purchase.
Sizes small through 4XL

$10 each for pickup

Purchase T - shirts

by June 7


Peaceful Remedies' strives to form a community space that empowers individuals and families to embrace life despite the challenges they face.

© 2016 Peaceful Remedies. Site by Step One Creative

About peaceful remedies





Strength. Peace. Happiness.